25.11.20  16.01.21

In an Exhibition inspired by the 1996 science fiction, adventure movie ‘Fantastic Voyage' fashion designer Duran Lantink and photographer/installation artist Paul Kooier join together to present a series of print editions that have resulted from a cross-pollination of art photography and fashion. 

The images on show depict miniature sized replicas of one of Lantinks upcycled  collections in which he mashes together dead-stock from major, high-end designer brands such as Prada, Louis Vuitton and Offwhite. The miniature collection which was originally created by Lantink for his graduation show in 2017, ever materialized  and until recently only existed only in book form. Lantink invited Kooiker to freely adapt and photograph the collection according to his vision resulting in the artists going on their own ‘Fantastic Voyage’. The exhibition can be described as a visual culmination of all the factors, events and creative visions which tell the unique story of this fashion collection.